I Like Mike

Wrexham fans’ minds are set on the new players we’ll attract this Summer, but we might have already brought in our most important long term recruit.

Michael Williamson has been appointed as our CEO, and even before his arrival you could detect his imprimatur in some of the things the club did.

His CV is profoundly impressive, and has already been scrutinised by all and sundry as they seek parallels with the priorities he will inherit in North Wales.

He has experience at D.C. United, Internazionale and Miami FC, as well as fulfilling the role of co-CEO of the San Siro, fabled home of both Inter and AC Milan.

Naturally, attention has been drawn to his role in the renovation of the San Siro, as well as his experience in leading the process of developing a new training ground for the Serie A giants. Less discussed is his input on the building of a football-specific stadium for DC United.

With Wrexham’s owners battling British bureaucracy as they look to fulfil their goals of redeveloping The SToK Cae Ras and constructing a new training ground, Williamson’s experience in getting similar major projects over the line looks likely to be valuable.

CEOs have to do a lot of number-juggling: as we look to swiftly rise through the pyramid, and financial regulations evolve, Williamson’s knowledge could prove to be very valuable indeed.

Indeed, he was also Inter’s Chief Financial Officer. The higher up the game you go, the more football seems to be decided on the spreadsheets of the accountants as much as on the pitch.

Williamson’s work in that role involved restructuring Inter’s debt, so he is certainly au fait with high level financials. He pulled Miami FC’s spending into line too, establishing a culture which viewed the youth set-up as a legitimate source of playing talent.

I might have a mild case of imposter syndrome, that sense that somehow you shouldn’t be where you are. Appointments like Williamson’s help me to shake that feeling. This isn’t just a “we mean business” appointment, it’s concrete proof of Rob and Ryan’s intentions.

They won’t have convinced him to come to North Wales by telling him that we’re aiming for a few years of consolidation in League One! We’re aiming for the Premier League as soon as possible, and that’s what bringing Williamson in represents.

Consider that CV and ask yourself what sort of jobs he’d be interested in. He’s moved continents for us, for heaven’s sake!

The sheer scale of the projects he has already taken on show that he has experience in working alongside major players in the construction industry. Rob and Ryan’s ambition requires someone who is comfortable in that company.

The architects behind the new Kop, AFL, are major figures in the stadium industry. They were responsible for the Lusail Stadium, the fifth largest football ground in the world and host to the 2022 World Cup final, and well as the Brentford Community Stadium, The New Den and renovations of Edgbaston and the Attaturk Stadium. Experience is vital when it comes to getting such projects completed, and Williamson speaks their language.

His work in Milan also involved reinventing Inter’s digital profile, bringing the club’s media approach up to date to appeal to its world-wide fanbase. Ring any bells?

At Miami FC, Williamson spoke enthusiastically about the importance of putting the local community at the heart of the club, another central element of our identity. It feels like he’s the sort of person who gets us and is going to bring a lot of interesting new ideas to the things which matter most.

I want to use my experience to help further build the culture Miami Football Club has already established, while developing new and exciting ways to connect with our fans, partners, and this amazing Miami Community.”
-Michael Williamson, October 15, 2020

He talked about telling the stories of the fans and celebrating their successes, while bringing them closer to the players and inside the club, building on the innovative ideas he had in Italy.

“Welcome to Wrexham” has already brought such ideas to fruition; Williamson is clearly going to be sympathetic to the show’s importance in growing the club. He’ll bring new ideas to the table and help us to make the most of the its success.

He also led the creation a new analysis system at Inter. He’s clearly used to leading projects which strive to bring those little advantages which can give you the edge over your competitors.

A bespoke data analysis system is the sort of thing that gives you a head start on League One clubs, many of which will rely on buying into a generic scouting system. Being innovative and empowering talented people to come up with their own solutions is the sort of ambitious, original thinking which our owners hope will make the difference for us.

Certainly, within the club there is a positive view of what Williamson will bring to the club. They feel he’s the sort of person who can support their work and get results.

Perhaps most crucially though, Williamson often had to work with UEFA while he was at Inter. You need a particular set of skills to deal with the sort of people who work in football’s bureaucracy, so Williamson should be well-suited to the most important part of our CEO’s job: dealing with Shaun Harvey!

One thought on “I Like Mike

  1. Very exciting times! Your last point seems to be the £1,000,000 question. How well does he mesh with Shaun?

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